
Master Planning, Scenic Spot, Jiao bangzai

    Jiao Bangzai sited in Huling district of Chongqing municipality, 18 kilometers far from Wulin mountain, 60 kilometers Hulin city. As a part of important composition, this project location is in the southwest direction of tourism resort in Wulin mountain, and bounded on entrance of Wulin rift valley by north; bounded on Wujing painting gallery by southwest.

    Planning is based on master layout— one core, one axis, two circles and three areas. On combination of a series of resources, such as water, hill, forest, filed and camp, we put the both ecology and health as key words to create riverfront of Wu River. Besides, Wulin mountain gathered multiple functions together like sightseeing, hunting, sports and exercise, experience of camp life and Eco-leisure.  

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